

Roauf Design > Services > Free Web Tools > wt161 (Free Web Tools) / Worldometers - real time world statistics

  • Worldometers - real time world statistics ( Code: wt161 )

Code: wt161 (Free Web Tools) / Worldometers - real time world statistics

The first time I visited Worldometers I had the feeling that I was suddenly put into orbit and looking down on the collective activity of all earth’s human inhabitants: here presented in real-time are statistics on ‘World Population’, ‘Government and Economics’, ‘Society and Media’, ‘Environment’, ‘Food’, ‘Water’, ‘Energy’, and ‘Health’. Within these broad categories are spinning clocks, some going fast, others moving slowly, recording total numbers on things like: “Births today”, “Cellular phones sold today”, “Carbon dioxide emissions this year, in tons”, “Tons of food produced this year”, “People with no access to safe drinking water”, “Days to the end of oil”, and “Road traffic fatalities this year”.